What is the deal?

In The Wind is an experiment in capturing lightening in a bottle, transforming the ephemeral into the material, and the mundane into the strange. I weave together wavelengths from my varied worlds: art, performance, handcraft, nature, activism, care work, and sex work and synthesize them into this offering.

With a finger to the wind and a toe to the earth, I pull together resources from my reading, creative exploration, community care practice, and whatever else comes through the ether to provide insight on what the heck is going on and where we might choose to go, through the curious eye of an artist.

“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” - Toni Morrison

Who am I?

I have been many things and will be many more. Seamstress, gardener, striptease artist, photographer, model, social worker, advocate, event producer, community organizer, sex worker, visual artist, and writer. I sit at the crossroads of these many paths, gathering information and seeing how systems work, imagining how we might change them, and igniting the fires we need to fuel transformation.

The lowdown:

This will be a weekly publication, landing in your inbox on Fridays. At this time, In The Wind is a free newsletter—but free in the way that public radio is. If you value what I provide and can afford to support it, your patronage allows this space to exist. I believe in freedom and accessibility of art, and I also believe in community coming together to invest in cultural workers. Whether you subscribe for one month or twelve, I am grateful.

Subscribe to In The Wind

I weave together wavelengths from my varied worlds: art, performance, handcraft, nature, activism, care work, and sex work, and synthesize them into this offering.


A dilettante from the demimonde, weaving together the worlds of art, social change, and erotic labor.